Grounding Yourself to Balance your Energy

There are a lot of different ways to ground yourself and reasons to do it. Feeling grounded means feeling centered, present, or down to earth. When you think of someone who is grounded they seem very solid and earthy— the way you think about a tree rooted into the earth.
I tell my clients all the time after an energy session to ground themselves. What I mean is that to connect your body to the energy of the earth so you feel grounded. A lot of times after an energy session you can feel a little spacey and floaty because we have expanded your energy fields so much.
The more I read up on this topic, the more I found it fascinating and very important that we do this practice daily! 
The earths surface holds a subtle health boosting energy to it.  The Earth’s field has a vibration of about 7.8 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance that is important to all life on our planet. This natural rhythm is found in multiple places within the human being and it is inherent to us functioning in a coherent state. The human body cavity resonates at 7.8 Hz. Our Alpha and Theta brain waves both border the frequency of 7.8 Hz. These brain waves are associated with insight, intuition, inspiration, meditation, relaxation, and calmness.*
So…the Earth resonates with our biological system which brings us into a harmonious state in our life.
The problem is that modern life has us VERY DISCONNECTED to the earth. We live in homes, walk around on cement sidewalks and paved streets or work in tall buildings. Cities have little to no grass or parks that you can connect to the earth.
In my recent visit to Boston, I realized in one area of the city that I didn’t see or step on grass for 2 days. 2 WHOLE DAYS! That is zero connection to something that helps us maintain our energy frequency and health.
Grounding yourself literally means connecting yourself to the ground or earths’ energy. It is best done barefoot because many of our shoes are made of plastic or rubber which block the energy to your body. Shoes made of natural material like leather are fine. When grounding, you just want to have your feet on the ground and just feel the energy of the earth below you. You can even visualize energy coming up one foot, circulating through your body and then going out down the other foot.
The best places to do this are:

  • On grass in a yard, park or field
  • Sand (like at a beach)
  • Soil
  • Brick (on the ground that isn’t sealed)

Places that you cannot ground yourself:

  • Asphalt
  • Sealed concrete (sidewalks/roads)
  • Rubber
  • Plastic
  • Vinyl/ Tarmac

It is more important than ever in today’s world to ground yourself regularly. We are surrounded by free radicals that can deplete your body of electrons: like cellphones, wifi, computer usage, pollution, radiation, and many others.
So go outside and ground yourself. OFTEN! You will feel better the more you connect to nature and the earth.


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